
IWIS 2016 - Catalogue

Invention information

CategoryC - Mechanics and general engineering / Mechanika i inżynieria ogólna

Title of invention
 Fluid Driven Rotary Device Based on Differential Temperature
Invention discription
 The invention is regarding a mechanical rotary device. The device is driven to rotate based on fluid flows caused by differential temperature of outside environments. By the invented thermal driven rotor, the thermal input/output operation provided by temperature difference is transformed to the rotor rotational mechanical energy.
Patent Application
Date of Patent Application

Owner of the Invention

Name of company / organization / institution / individual
English:Kao Yuan University
InventorsFirst Name, Last Name, Academic degree
Pang-Chia Chen,
Yi-Ming Lee,
Hsu-Ming Chang,
Chih-Huang Chiang,
Hung-Shiang Chuang,
Jian-Xin Chen,